Woodyard Realty BLOG

Woodyard Realty Announces Winners of Scholarship Contest

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Inspired by Deuteronomy 15:11:  “For the poor will never cease to be in the land: therefore, I command you, saying, ‘You shall freely open your hand to your brother, to your needy, and to your poor in your land.’” Woodyard Realty Corp.’s higher purpose is to improve inner city housing for our area residents so that families have a safe, clean place to live and thrive. 

Through the years we have seen numerous, successful renovations of properties – some even featured in the media – where crime was eliminated or greatly reduced, and the children could play outside without fear. That is the best reward we could ever receive!

However, as the world economy weakened recently and jobs were not as plentiful, we saw a need for more educational opportunities for apartment residents so that they could be gainfully employed. 

Around this same time, we were inspired by John Carroll with City Leadership and Give901 during his speech at local real estate luncheon.  We contacted John and his team, and they figured out a way to proceed with a scholarship program for apartment residents in Memphis.  City Leadership was awesome to work with as they handled the marketing, applications, and selections and really vetted the applicants to those who were eligible.

-Steve Woodyard, President, Woodyard Realty Corp.

Click here to read about the scholarship

Click here for winner Clover Boggan’s bio

Click here for winner Gaby Medrano’s bio

Click here for winner Morgan White’s bio

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