Human Trafficking Truths
For Apartment Owners and Managers: The new year it is a great time to remind you that human trafficking is not just an international tragedy playing out with the rich and famous people involved in the Jeffrey Epstein case…in fact, you may have human trafficking going on in your neighborhood or apartment property. But how […]
Thank you for a great 2023!
We appreciate all our clients all year long, and like to take a moment to appreciate them a bit more during the holidays. We’re looking forward to serving you in 2024! CLICK HERE TO VIEW OUR YEAR IN REVIEW
Multifamily Executives Express Optimism That Apartment Investment Will Perk Up
Looking ahead to 2024 – this article from Randyl Drummer at CoStar sounds a positive note for what’s to come for the multifamily real estate market in the new year! – Steve Woodyard By Randyl DrummerCoStar News December 5, 2023 | 6:16 P.M. Apartment investment should strengthen across the United States by the second half of […]
Woodyard Realty Announces Winners of Scholarship Contest
Inspired by Deuteronomy 15:11: “For the poor will never cease to be in the land: therefore, I command you, saying, ‘You shall freely open your hand to your brother, to your needy, and to your poor in your land.’” Woodyard Realty Corp.’s higher purpose is to improve inner city housing for our area residents so […]